The Clean Start ministry helps people struggling with drugs, alcohol, poverty or homelessness.  There are many aspects of the ministry; transitional housing, feeding the homeless, and monthly homeless events.

People who are “clean”, meaning they can pass the drug and alcohol tests, and demonstrate that they are ready to change their lives, may be given the opportunity to stay in temporary group housing.  This part of the program includes housing, clothing and meals.  During this phase of the ministry, people take drug tests, and will work during working hours.  Work may mean off-premises employment for pay, or on premises work performing tasks related to supporting the ministry.  Whichever it is, no person is permitted to lounge around during work hours.

Transitional housing is the next step.  Random drug tests are still required, but now people live in individual rooms and have some privacy restored.  During this phase of the ministry people must be working for pay, and saving the money they need to begin living independently again.

A Clean Start monthly outreach event is held at 621 4th Street on the first Saturday of each month, for the homeless and for anyone else in need of a little help.  Everything is free.  Volunteers, the 4th Street CREW (Christians Ready, Equipped and Willing), help people select clothing from our clothes closet, then offer the use of shower facilities and a bag of hygiene items.  Volunteers provide lunch and sometimes haircuts are offered.  Volunteers talk with the homeless individually to share the love of God, offer them a Bible if they need one, and invite them to church services.  Members from many area churches come together to support these monthly events.  There is usually singing, either with a band in the parking lot, or indoors in the lunch area.